Wednesday 29 February 2012

SIE - Scottish Institute for Enterprise

SIE Logo
This morning we had a lecture from a woman called Dawn Shand, she is the regional business advisor for this side of Scotland.

Although I have not considered setting up my own business as that is not necessarily the route I want to take when I leave university. I found it interesting that there are companies/organisations set up to help those people/students to get advice on an idea and how to get the ball rolling to start up there own business.

They are there to help turn students into entrepreneurs, support, inspire and encourage them to make that step to getting there business idea going. 

She gave everyone in the room an old, out of date news paper article and told us to make something out of it to give it value. My initial idea was to make a picture frame out of it as the newspaper I got has a nice beach image on it - it did not turn out beautiful as the paper kept unfolding. The purpose of this exercise was for us to think about what setting up a business can be about - I took from this that if you find something, a product/service that can have a value added to it then it can be turned into a business. I had never thought of a business idea like that before. 

I will now consider my options, do I have any ideas/thought that can be turned into a business? I will think more about what is available out there for me before ruling things out like setting up my own business.  

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