Thursday 2 February 2012

New Challenges Lecture

Yesterday we had a lecture from Mike Press about new challenges in work, he started of by staying that most people in the 20th century do not like their jobs but they have no choice but to go to them - now this is changing! He spoke about how things have changed in industries, such as manufacturing has gone down and entertainment has gone up in the economy. About the different types of generations like the baby boomers 1946 - 1964, generation X 1965 - 1976, generation Y 1977 - 1997 and how they all have progressed in many different ways, the main change in my opinion is that they have become more creative -they have different brains now. 

We were then shown a clip from a TED talk ‘Creative Education’ by Sir Ken Robinson, he said that ‘creativity is just as important as literacy‘, I couldn’t agree with this more!

It was said that we are being taught for jobs that we do not yet know off or exist. He then talked through 6 changes that will happen over the years to come with in the job sector, for example, more women will take lead roles, we will become T shaped practitioner and all work will become globalise. I find it strange to think that we do not know what the jobs will be like in another 5/10years onwards, but at the same time things are more likely to keep improving which could create better opportunities for everyone. We will just have to wait and see!

After Mike’s lecture we had a talk from Emma Walker the chief executive of Craft Scotland. I found Emma’s lecture very interesting, although I would not classify myself to be a trades person such as a jeweller, the things she was talking about you could relate them to any form of work/business. 

Never use the word JUST!
Never shot down your work!
Don’t say sorry for your work!

To develop an audience these words/phrases should not be used in any way towards your work, if you speak badly about your own work, know one else is going to believe in you or your work. 

A few other things she said to do now as students were:

Brand yourself
Business Cards
Artist statement
CV - update all the time
Network events - go to as many as possible
Online: Blog, social networking,

It was interesting to me as I personally have not thought or considered making myself a business card, when Emma suggested everyone have them and to give them out at all opportunities. Thinking about it now it would be a great way to make connects with people that may be able to help once I have graduated to get the job that I want. I have started to think about these things and about how I should start making myself look to the outside/business world. I thought it was a very inspiring lecture.

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