Saturday 25 February 2012

International GIDE Workshop

From Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th February, we in Dundee were the hosts of the International GIDE Workshop 2012 - Group of International Design Education. 

The seven colleges join together for the few days to work together on a number of different bomb projects to exchange design ideas and cultural experiences. The seven colleges are:

- Leeds College of Art 
- University of Primorska - The Academy of Design in Ljubljana 
- University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland 
- University of Applied Science - Magderburg 
- Lessius Mechelen University College - Design & Technology Department 
- Politecnico di Milano 
- Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design - Dundee

There are groups created with a mixture of people from all the different colleges - they are then given an individual bomb project. My groups brief was to 'Develop a concept proposal for a portable chair for gallery vistors, talks and events at DCA - Dundee Contemporary Arts. Design this to reflect previous exhibiton event at DCA. Produce a full scale 1:1 rough mock up/prototype using basic materials.' 

From this we went to DCA to look around the gallery spaces, from this we seen that storage is a major problem as they basically do not have any. We took this to be a big influence is our design, as it was a large team not just one design could be agreed on so we decided to design and produce two prototypes. Below is shown to presentation and our outcomes. 

We as a team I feel were happy with the outcomes for it being a three day project and hopefully the people from DCA will also like our designs.

GIDE as a whole for me was a great experience, and I would love to go and experience it in a different country. Fingers crossed I get to go to Slovenia next year!

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