Wednesday 29 February 2012

Mentoring Group - Design and the Market

Today we had our first group mentoring session with Andy Milligan, before this we were asked to complete a couple of things. The first being ‘02a Your Values’ NESTA work sheet, write a mission statement and read NESTA book 01 and 02 up till page 16. 

I started of by completing my work sheet, this was interesting as it did really make you think about what is important to you when working on a project / in a business / in future life. My top five always important values are: work/life balance, self respect, honesty, be positive and excitement. And for my never important values I chose: status/fame and wealth.

02a Your Values

When asked in a previous lecture from Christina Hurst to write a mission statement I found it difficult to understand how it was possible to write one on yourself as I would always link it with a business/organisation. So I started to look at a few examples of what a personal mission statement looks like for other people - this in a way was not that helpful. Those that I seen were talking about religious beliefs and not about there aims/goals. From my values list I used a few words to help we create my own mission statement - this took me a long time to figure out what is was I wanted to say. In the end I came up with this:   

I will strike to achieve a good work/life balance - In work my mission is to be creative, learn and understand my clients’ needs to create the best spatial design solution for them. In life I will aim high and be an optimist as I believe everything happens for a reason. 

From the mentoring session I am not sure if this is what they were looking for as a lot of other students spoke more about a business/project concept mission statement. Personally for me I find if hard to understand how you can come up with a mission statement for a business/research project which you do not no what it will be about yet. My next step is to make my personal mission statement more focused on my discipline and what I aim to achieve through it. I will also begin thinking about my personal enterprise proposal, work out what it will be about so that I can then write a mission statement for it. 

When reading the NESTA books ‘Arrivals and Destinations’ and ‘Getting off the Ground’ I thought that the best way for me to remember what they talked about was to make a mind map whilst reading it. 

NESTA - Book 1
NESTA - Book 2

I found it helpful making the mind maps as it was easier to look back for something and find out the details of it again, in comparison to a list of bullet points - for me a mind map works best. 

NESTA - Book 1 Mind Map

NESTA - Book 2 Mind Map

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