Saturday 4 February 2012

Icecream Architecture - Design and the market

During the past week we have decided to split up our group of six into two smaller groups, this was decided after we found out that there is not enough work in this project for six people and that we would not benefit from working in a large group. In my group now is Esther Lockhart, Yasemin Memis and Lynsey Barr. On Wednesday lunch time we decided after not hearing anything back from the four companies/people we had already emailed that we should find all find a couple of other companies we are interested in. In the afternoon we sat down with nine new companies that we would like to investigate, we had an email already wrote out and sent it to each of them. With in the space of roughly 30minutes after emailing the last company, one company responded saying they would be delighted to help with our research project. This was a great relief as we were starting to worry that we would not get any word back from them and therefore have no one to interview. 

The company we are using is called Icecream Architecture who as based in Glasgow. I started to do a little background research into them to find out what they are about, I came across a question that they seem to get asked a lot, ‘ Do you guys sell ice cream?’ there response to this was, ‘Nah J, we sell architecture (design, planning permissions, interactive workshops, building advice)’. This was a great starting point for me to find out what they actually do. 

The main thing that stood out to me about this company was that they pro-actively go out and interact with potential clients using there ice cream van. There van is called Betty and is a 1971 transit - something unique to them especially being in the architecture business. 

With researching into them further, it has made me excited about this project and to go and interview them to find out more on them and what they do - it is so interesting how they work architecture into the way they feel most comfortable doing it! Next week I plan on contacting Sarah Frood to arrange a time and date for the interview to take place. 

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