Friday 24 February 2012

Personal Enterprise Proposal

On Wednesday I was given our new project for the Design and the Market module, for the rest of this semester I have to create a 1,500 - 2,000 word enterprise proposal. The proposal is to outline the research that we wish to produce during the summer, this will then lead into the Design and the Market part 2 module in fourth year. This research will develop into a 7,000 word report.

The report can be : an in depth business plan/ feasibility study, market research for development of product/service or an analysis of a participial business market/module. This to me a bit daunting to me as I have not wrote this much about a business before, it will definitely be challenge for me.

We will be using NESTA - Creative Enterprise Toolkits through out the rest of this semester as they are a good way of taking you through an idea. I am currently trying to think of an area/company that I would like to explore and take on further to be a basis of my research.    

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