Sunday 29 January 2012

Design and The Market - Group Discussion

On Friday afternoon during self directed study we met as a group in our interiors studio to talk about the first step of our assignment. We talked about a couple of design companies that some had thought would be an interesting area to look into such as inflate. We agreed to stick with our discipline and look at either an architects or interiors design company. We wrote up an email which we would send to the company we decide on, it asks them if they would be interested in helping with our project and if possible could we meet for an interview. We agreed for over the weekend each person would find one company they wanted to investigate and to find out more about them. On Monday lunch time we will quickly meet to discuss who we found, which we all agree would be best and then send the email to them. 

After thinking about a number of different companies I settled with Gareth Hoskins Architects. I have found his/there work very inspiring in a number of my interior projects and have therefore used them for inspiration. Below are a few of the building which I find most influencing.

Gareth Hoskins Architects have been a private limited company in Glasgow since 15th August 2003, before this Gareth was a sole trader working in London from 1998. I would be very interesting in finding out more about there company and how they have developed into a well known architects company. 

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