Friday 30 March 2012

Enterprise Proposal

Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about the personal enterprise proposal (that is due after Easter) and what I want to base it on. There were a few types of options of different routes you could go down but I have decided to go down the research into a type of market/model route. From this I have come up with the basis for my proposal which is, 'To research into two different architecture/interior design companies in the same market area of environmental design. I will pick two companies an international and a smaller scale company. I want to investigate how they work in different ways to achieve the same goal - if there is a difference!'

After going to speak to Mike Press during the week to discuss this idea he made me think about the types of things I want to find out from the companies, here are a few examples of what I came up with.
- Progress and growth into a large business
- How did you make the transition from small to large
- Marketing 
- Advertising 
- Maintenance during the economic climate 
- Types of clients they get
- Problems + benefits of working in the environmental design side

This morning we had our last mentoring session which was good talking about my idea and hearing about other peoples as it gives you new ideas that you may have not have thought about. Getting feedback and advice from my mentor Andy Milligan was great as he was able to help me think of people and architecture companies that may be good to use/look into. After researching some of his suggestion I have an idea of the companies that I wish to work with - it is now a case of making contact to see if they are willing to speak to me. 

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