Sunday 29 January 2012

Design and The Market

On Friday we had a lecture from Mike Press going into detail of what was expected from each group for this assignment. My group consists of myself, Yasemin Memis, Esther Lockhart, Lynsey Barr, Duncan Perkins and Hamish Watson. 

We have to decide on a designer or design company, define issue we want to find out, research them, interview them, analysis the information gathered and the present out findings. Mike talked us through each stage especially the interview as it is the most beneficial for collecting information and making a good impression. The main item he emphasized about the interview was the 'consent form' this document has to include information stating that a summary of the information provided may appear on a public blog, that the interview may be recorded, that the tap would be deleted after information collected and that photographs may be taken. This must be signed before leaving the interview so that you are able to use the information given. 

Following Mike's lecture, Lindsey Gardiner a past graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, a guest speaker gave a lecture on how she became an illustrator. It was interesting to hear how she graduated as a textile designer but has become an illustrator for her own line of children's books. She talked about how she was lucky to have found the path she has went down and that you have to be open to take a risk as this is how you become a successful artist. 

Lindsey Gardiner 

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