Thursday 14 April 2011


At the beginning of the Easter break I went to Barcelona with two other girls from my course. I was so looking forward to being able to get away and forget about the current project for a while, and what a beautiful to be able to do that in. When we arrived early on the Tuesday morning we dropped our stuff off and went a walk up the main street outside our hotel ’La Rambla’. We came across a market which we thought might have only been there for the day but luckily enough it was there the whole time we were. It will filled with lots of different stands from meat to fish, fruit and vegetables, chocolates and jellies, ice cream and nuts, and then there were hot food stands.

That same day we were walking about we found the Cathedral in the centre of Barcelona, it was such a beautiful building was just a shame that there was so much scaffolding around the outside. Once you went inside there was only a little amount of structural support which was good so that you could see the grandness of the building.

The following day we tried to follow the map we had to find the beach but instead we came across the Park de Ciutadella, on such a beautiful day it was nice to sit and take in everything around us. It was such a large park I don’t think we managed to see it all as it was getting late in the day and we had a big walk to get back to the hotel. When we left the park we seen the Arc de Triumph and then made are way back.

We had an early night that night as we had planned to go round a large area of Barcelona to see most of Gaudi’s buildings and a few more. First thing that morning we took the metro and went to ’La Sagrada Familia’ and all I can say is unbelievable. I was so taken aback at the scale and magnificence of it. As soon as we got inside the Cathedral I was totally speechless, the inside was beautiful from the stairways to the pillars to the stained glass windows. We spent a lot of the morning just sitting in the cathedral taking all of it in.

After having lunch we made our way back in towards the town to Casa Batllo and La Pedrera, which from the outside are beautiful to look at. We never ventured inside them as we thought that the outside of them were the main features of the buildings that we wanted to see. After looking at all the designer shops we went to Park Guell, it was a stunning day with the sun shining which made the park even more spectacular. It was just a shame that there were people out trying to sell bit’s and pieces which I felt took away from the atmosphere of it.

Barcelona is such a beautiful city and would definitely love to go back when I get older to see things I hadn’t seen and everything else again to see the changes that had been done over the years.

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