Monday 22 November 2010

Assignment 3: Looking Up, Looking Down

For this assignment we were asked to research further into the topic which we had chosen for assignment 2. The area I had chosen was smoking so is the area which I focused on. To start of this research I wasn’t totally sure what it was I had to complete and now I am still not one hundred percent sure if I have done it correctly. But before I started researching I made a brainstorm of some of the key words that I might want to use.


I then to start with looked for books and journals on why people/teenagers start to smoke in the first place and then I looked at the campaign and advertising side to cigarettes and smoking. These are some the books and journals that I found to be useful.

Altstiel, T. (2006). Advertising Strategy: Creative Tactics From the Outside/In. Sage Publications.
It says about how certain ‘magic’ words and headlines help with the selling power of the advertising campaign. He/they are saying that its all about the way you say things in advertising to communicate the right message your wanting to get across. 

Flay, B. (1994). Journal Of Health and Social Behaviour. Differential Influence of Parental Smoking and Friends’ Smoking on Adolescent Initiation and Escalation and Smoking Volume 35.
This journal speaks about they have discovered that teenagers whose parents smoke or the people around them that there is a higher risk that they will become users themselves. Then this is brought into the behaviours and attitudes of theses people to see how they relate.

Menning, C. (2006). Journal of Health and Social Behaviour. Nonresident Fathers’ Involvement and Adolescents’ Smoking Volume 47.
They are trying to find out/predict what makes adolescents become smokers at this age and how family life relates to this, research has shown that households that are unstable have a higher percentage that the child will become a smoker. It goes into detail about how parents come into the connection between them and smoker.

O’Keefe, T. (1971). The Public Opinion Quarterly. The Anti-Smoking Commercials: A study of Television’s Impact on Behavior Volume 35.
It talks about the methods which were used in the anti-smoking campaigns and did they work to the best way which the advertisement could. It says that communication, messages and reinforcements are the big parts of advertising campaigns for them to be very influential on the viewing watching them.

O’Shaughnessy, J. (2003). Persuasion in Advertising. Routledge.
The section in this book is about the way cigarette packaging means so much to a person who is smoking them or well at least a number of years ago this was the case. So if the packets looked more upper class they seemed to get sales and that it doesn’t matter if the government changed it will still stay the same.

Vaknin, J. (2007). Smoke Signals: 100 Years of tobacco Advertising. Middlesex: University press.
This book talked about so many area of smoking and advertising etc,I picked up that it was saying smokers received such advantages from it but then goes on to say how it has changed over the years. Now in advertising you wouldn’t be able to show someone smoking.

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