Sunday 29 January 2012

Design and The Market - Group Discussion

On Friday afternoon during self directed study we met as a group in our interiors studio to talk about the first step of our assignment. We talked about a couple of design companies that some had thought would be an interesting area to look into such as inflate. We agreed to stick with our discipline and look at either an architects or interiors design company. We wrote up an email which we would send to the company we decide on, it asks them if they would be interested in helping with our project and if possible could we meet for an interview. We agreed for over the weekend each person would find one company they wanted to investigate and to find out more about them. On Monday lunch time we will quickly meet to discuss who we found, which we all agree would be best and then send the email to them. 

After thinking about a number of different companies I settled with Gareth Hoskins Architects. I have found his/there work very inspiring in a number of my interior projects and have therefore used them for inspiration. Below are a few of the building which I find most influencing.

Gareth Hoskins Architects have been a private limited company in Glasgow since 15th August 2003, before this Gareth was a sole trader working in London from 1998. I would be very interesting in finding out more about there company and how they have developed into a well known architects company. 

Design and The Market

On Friday we had a lecture from Mike Press going into detail of what was expected from each group for this assignment. My group consists of myself, Yasemin Memis, Esther Lockhart, Lynsey Barr, Duncan Perkins and Hamish Watson. 

We have to decide on a designer or design company, define issue we want to find out, research them, interview them, analysis the information gathered and the present out findings. Mike talked us through each stage especially the interview as it is the most beneficial for collecting information and making a good impression. The main item he emphasized about the interview was the 'consent form' this document has to include information stating that a summary of the information provided may appear on a public blog, that the interview may be recorded, that the tap would be deleted after information collected and that photographs may be taken. This must be signed before leaving the interview so that you are able to use the information given. 

Following Mike's lecture, Lindsey Gardiner a past graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, a guest speaker gave a lecture on how she became an illustrator. It was interesting to hear how she graduated as a textile designer but has become an illustrator for her own line of children's books. She talked about how she was lucky to have found the path she has went down and that you have to be open to take a risk as this is how you become a successful artist. 

Lindsey Gardiner 

Design and The Market

Last Wednesday we had an introduction lecture into the new module I will be taking this semester 'Design and the Market', it will be taken by module leader Christina Hirst and Professor Mike Press along with a number of guest speakers. 

This modules aims to introduce use into the enterprise culture, the terminologies and the practice of design within a business context. At the end I will hope to develop entrepreneurial skills, business vision, and individual and group skills. I am excited to start this module to get a better insight into how businesses are set up and run as my father owns his own business and I find in very interesting seeing how many thing develop to get bigger. 

The first assignment given is a 5week project called, Group Enterprise Research Project. It accounts for 50% of our overall module grade, it will assessed through blogging on the progress of development and a presentation at the end showing what we have found.  

New Semester, New start!

Last semester I lost track of keeping up to date with my blog, and never got round to writing about what I was doing. It is now a new year and a new semester so I aim to keep on top of blogging about what I have been doing in the studio and in my other modules.

Watch this space!