Monday 13 August 2012

Final Year preparations

Through out the past few months I have began preparation for my final year to begin (scary how time fly's). I have been completing research that I suggested I would complete in my enterprise proposal - I have wrote a blog post explaining it a bit further :

The enterprise proposal which I completed in last semester is to develop into a 7,000 word report which will be completed during the first semester of level four. I chose for mine to an analysis of a particular business market.  
              *This report is an alternative to a dissertation, this was one of the options given due to  
              reconstruction of the course/modules this year. 

With this being a new module and having no previous examples/templates I am finding it difficult to understand what the structure of a report it meant to be. With the research I have completed I have began trying to plan out the sections that will be with my report. At this time I am currently using the template of a dissertation to roughly mark out the things I still need to research. Although this could be incorrect! I feel we should have been given some form of indication as to what was expected from the report at the end of last semester. Hopefully we get more/better guidance in the early stages of semester one. 

Final third year interiors project

Over the past few months unfortunately my blog has got a bit of neglecting, from completing my final third year projects, moving back home, reconnecting with friends and beginning research for fourth year it has been a busy summer so far. 

For my final project in third year I created a separate blog documenting each step of the process which I completed to achieve the final outcome. I have attached the link below:

For this project I designed a centre called Marina for the Marine Conservation Society, the propose for the centre is to bring in children and educate them on marine wildlife through workshops. I have attached the two main renders that showcase how the surroundings would look on the site.  

Look out Point - at the back of the building

Building at night time